Health & Safety

Applied Computer Vision is home to the world's first AI Vision hand washing compliance detections system, WashWatch

Health & Safety

Applied Computer Vision is home to the world's first AI Vision hand washing compliance detections system, WashWatch

Featured Products


Hand Washing Compliance

Applied Computer Vision is home to the world's first AI Vision hand washing compliance detection system, WashWatch.
Monitoring round the clock, WashWatch captures hand washing compliance failures in real time, using CCTV equipment you already have. WashWatch reports, with video, anyone who fails to wash their hands before they enter production.
Monitor the most critical HACCP item
Drive safety focused behavioural change
Obtain objective, real-time insight into your compliance

Key Benefits


WashWatch Detection Rate

Our system ensures top-tier handwashing compliance, cutting the risk of foodborne outbreaks like E. coli and Salmonella. 275 confirmed cases.


Low Hand Washing Compliance

Without continuous monitoring, compliance rates can be dangerously low. Read the case study.


Automated Monitoring

Real-time monitoring prevents hygiene lapses, vastly reducing the chances of major food poisoning incidents.


PPE Detection

PPE compliance is a constantly challenge. Employers must detect and act on non-compliance. PPEWatch automates detection 24/7, ensuring compliance and simplifying oversight.
All of our PPEWatch systems are trained on your PPE requirements, offering you complete flexibility when it comes to workwear and PPE detection. You decide what, when and where PPE is required and PPEWatch does the rest, alerting you to any detected issues immediately.
Ensure you are PPE compliant
Drive a culture of compliance
Identify exceptions before they become problems

Key Benefits


admit not always adhering to PPE policies
(EHS Today)

PPE is always necessary, but often inconvenient. If staff think they can get away without wearing it, they sometimes won't. PPEWatch addresses that thought.


of accidents could be prevented or mitigated by proper use of PPE (HSE UK)

Short description of the highlight about ACV’s Vision AI System. Create compliance success without inputting the man hours.


of food production sites report PPE compliance issues
(Campden BRI)

Short description of the highlight about ACV’s Vision AI System. Create compliance success without inputting the man hours.

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